Tomlinson Drops Harassment Case.

After multiple calls with Tomlinsons solicitors over the last two weeks Tomlinson has dropped the harassment case against me for this Website.

Here is some background to this. 

After multiple without prejudice phone calls with Tomlinsons solicitors trying to resolve issues between us since him getting a high court injunction against me for publishing certain documents and Tomlinson offering to drop both cases in exchange for the rights to the work I did for him and passing ownership of this site to him without paying me any money I had my final phone call with his solicitors.

During this phone call I reassured them that there was no deal to be done based on the variety of offers Tomlinson had made to me via them. I told them we would go to court on both cases. 

Two hours later I was informed that Tomlinson had instructed his solicitors to drop the harassment case against me. So all the paper serving, all the injunction hearings, all the stress he claimed this site gave him and his family etc etc was for nothing. 

Or maybe his solicitors advised him his BS harassment claim would cost tens of thousands of pounds more to take to court and he didn’t want to take any more out of his record profits for this year?

Although I don’t know for sure I am sure his solicitors advised him to take my offer, but we all know what Tomlinson is like. There is no way he would want to be seen to be wrong or back down to me. 

So today I got confirmation from the judge and court that the harassment case he spent thousands putting against me is not dropped and the temporary injunction against me is discharged too. 

The official court documents can be viewed below.

So now I just have the BS copyright case to fight, which is scheduled to be heard on the 28th June 2022. The man has spent thousands trying to take this site down and make sure I don’t publish embarrassing legal documents showing what type of open, honest and above board man he really isn’t. (It’s still begs the question if he is really so open, honest, above board and full of integrity why would he ever need an injunction against me in the first place?)

We continue and I am sure I will win my copyright case against him. After all how can the man claim copyright on material he never paid me for. 

Mr Tomlinson is his own worse enemy. His pride, ego and public persona prevented him from doing a deal with me that would have meant this who two year ongoing sage was finished and neither of us have to think about each other again. It is what it is, when you are dealing with a man like Tomlinson all logical thinking has to be thrown out and you keep fighting the bully he is. He’s bullish at the moment though. He’s on track to have the most paid entires he has ever had in his race in 2022. Great for him, it brings in over £300,000 and he’s only paying out £110,000) But how many more entries did he get because his action against British Masters OLR stopped them from operating this year? At least 400 entires would be my guess. 

Mark Lyford


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