[UPDATE: Gary Tomlinson / Who Dares Wins OLR] The bully backs down?

Update on Gary Tomlinson and Who dares Wins OLR and the court cases he brought against me.

Watch the video and listen to how Gary Tomlinsons has now dropped both court cases against me.

Has the bully backed down? Well, he failed and gave up trying to use the UK courts to bully me.

Want to listen to it instead? click below:

My counterclaim for the money he owed me continues.

The most “open, honest and transparent man” has shown his true colours over the last 7 months.

Remember, Gary Tomlinsons likes to use two tactics in addition to his bullying and intimidation. Divide and conquer and diverting attention to other things. He failed at the divide and conquer and he is currently doing all he can to divert peoples attention to other things going on. It’s all a tactic. One that won’t work.

The truth cannot be suppressed.

I will keep updating this site as an when needed.

In the meantime be sure to make people know about this AskTommo.com site. The more people that know about this man and his family the better.

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