Tommos NEW DVD Coming Out Soon.... 😉

Gary Tomlinson, Who Dares I Win International? One Loft Race Finale
Watch the video below: Read the entire chat history between JJ Shoeman and I on WhatsApp here Watch the full video of Tomlinson here on Facebook. If

Why No Actual Entry Numbers Announced?
As the self proclaimed ‘most open, honest and transparent’ man in the pigeon sport keeps telling us he is always telling people exactly what he

Tomlinson Finally Admits He Was Lying About Having A Licensed Quarantine Station. The Victim Card Gets Played Again.
Watch this.. So Tomlinson finally admits once again that he lied to everyone about having an official DEFRA approved quarantine station. it only took

The evidence Tomlinson didn’t want the judge to see.
As we have come to expect from Tomlinson, he lied through his teeth telling the judge I was never entitled to any money from the

Review of the Questions to ask Tomlinson and any answers “Tommo” may have answered about the 2024 Who Dares I Win Race.
Further to the questions I urged people contemplating enter Tomlinsons Who Dares I Win race in 2024 to ask a few weeks ago. I thought it of

Prelimary Court Hearing Update 2nd October 2023
Today at 12:30PM saw the virtual prelimary court hearing for the 7 pigeons Tomlinson never handed over and the claim for £880 plus interest he

Does Tomlinson Really Think People Are That Stupid? More Questions Competitors Need To Ask About The “Postponed Final”
Around 1pm on the 15th September Tomlinson did this brief video explaining why the final of the race was postponed and will not be happened

Questions to ask Tomlinson aka “Tommo” aka the most open, honest and transparent man in One Loft Racing?
We all know Tomlinson is the self proclaimed most open, honest and transparent man in One Loft Racing, so with that in mind and after

Tomlinson is telling total lies to the courts now!
By now, thanks to this website, most of the pigeon world know all about Gary Tomlinson and the Tomlinson family and how they are. Liars,

Is Gary Tomlinson the Pigeon Sports Donald Trump!?!
Think about it… There are major similarities. They both lie without even thinking about it. They lie and end up believing their own bullshit. They

Gary Tomlinson / Who Dares Wins One Loft Race Quarantine Station Lies Update 27th June 2023 A video update 4 days in about the official quarantine lie told by Tomlinson.

Gary Tomlinson LYING AGAIN! He has NO certified Quarantine Station for the Who Dares Wins Race.
After being investigated by local authorities in 2022 and telling people live that because he had already started the process of applying to be a

Court Update 21st June 2023
I attended Derby court today. Tomlinson and one of his mates was there for moral support. (Don’t know who the friend was though.) Two of

Is Bob Bendy (aka Annette Tomlinson) stalking me?
Bob Bendy, aka Annette Tomlinson, loves to try and stalk me online. In her latest attempt, she sneakily tried to join my new Roller Pigeon

Gary Tomlinson, Rob Tomlinson & Who Dares Wins in court on 21st June 2023.
The date has finally been set. Two of the three court claims and cases I have against Tomlinson et all are now going to be

Is Gary Tomlinson a complusive liar?
We all know “Tommos” philosophy is “Only tell em what they need to know” by now but the man seems just to keep spouting lies

2023 Irish entries and quarantine?
We have all been told by the conman, liar and general bully boy Tomlinson that he is an official quarantine station. However, why is he

Setting the record straight about Gary Tomlinson, Who Dares Wins Race and family once again.
Sadly Gary Tomlinson once again continues to lie, play the victim and spout more crap than usual. So I’m going to set the record straight

Life’s too short to deal with assholes. I’m done with Gary Tomlinson & Family.
Listen Here: For the last three years this horrible liar, wanna-be bully and his family have dominated my life in and out of pigeons. Life

Is Gary Tomlinson Just A Compulsive Liar?
Someone asked about the other races for 2022, after Gary only keeps banging on about the final race results / returns. He said: ” You

When is a two-bird average competition NOT a two bird AVERAGE competition?
The answer….. When Gary Tomlinson and family say it’s not… Once again the Tomlinson family make their own rules. The definition of average in sporting

Marky Boys Tech Tips..
[LIVE STREAMING TECH TIP] A quick tech tip for anyone live streaming the final of a pigeon race whose race results are broadcast around the

The tide is turning and Maurice O’donnell is making sure people know about Gary Tomlinson, Rob Tomlinson and Who Dares Wins Race.
The tide is turning and the hole is getting deeper for Gary Tomlinson, his family and his race. Maurice O’donnell is a thoroughly decent man

Tommo still spouting lies, playing the victim and trying to be the bully.
So “Tommo” is at it again. If you look at this post you think he is ACTUALLY a victim: But we all know Tommo and

Bob Bendy. AKA Gary Tomlinson?
Another apparent Tomlinson support popped his head up last week. Enter Bob Bendy. No profile picture but seem to know a lot about the situation

More lies, B.S and attempted spin from Tomlinson. Who Dares Wins One Loft Race.
In an attempt to try and spin, lie and rubbish his actions and words over the last two years Gary Tomlinson dedicated 40 minutes of

[UPDATE: Gary Tomlinson / Who Dares Wins OLR] The bully backs down?
Update on Gary Tomlinson and Who dares Wins OLR and the court cases he brought against me. Watch the video and listen to how Gary

Gary Tomlinson & Who Dares Wins One Loft Races Most Profitable Year Ever? Gary Tomlinson and Who Dares Wins One Loft Race has had their biggest ever entry: 1877 total entires 33 free entries 1844 paid entries.

Tomlinson Drops Harassment Case.
After multiple calls with Tomlinsons solicitors over the last two weeks Tomlinson has dropped the harassment case against me for this Website. Here is

High Court Injunction Hearing 11th April 2022
I attended a high court injunction hearing remotely yesterday. In attendance was Mr Justice Saini, Chloe Strong the barrister for Mr Tomlinson and myself. The
Injunction court hearing date set for 28th April 2022
The court hearing date to hear the injunction application by Gary Tomlinsons to have information on this site and the site itself is set for
The Injunction documents and my thoughts on them
I’ve been through all the documents served to me yesterday. Here are my thoughts on them. Here are all the documents: Draft Order Claim Form
Gary Tomlinson wants an injunction against and £50,000 in damages.
Watch the video above. But from the limited amount of pages I have read at the moment (There is hundreds of pages!) Gary Tomlinsons from

I’ve just been hand served more legal papers from Gary Tomlinsons solicitors!
Ive just been hand served many hundreds of papers from Gary Tomlinsons solicitors After going through it briefly Tomlinson is coming after me for this
Johnny Langham, Gary Tomlinsons follower and spreader of vile, horrible and disgusting rumours messaged me at 1:40AM on Facebook. He then removed the message and blocked me again. I am taking this very seriously.
At 1:40AM over the weekend I got a message from Johnny Langham. A very worrying and stressful message: Some people may question why I would

A BIG announcement from Gary Tomlinson and Dares Wins One Loft Race
So last night Gary Tomlinson had a big announcement about this years Who Dares Wins OLR. Here is the video: In case you just
Despite what Aaron Wood says this document stays online until a judge tells me it can’t
Gary Tomlinsons solicitor Mr Aaron Wood from has asked me to remove the document below. This will not happen until a judge tells me I have
All legal documents filed by Gary Tomlinson / Who Dares Wins One Loft Race against British Masters OLR.
In the interests of being totally open, honest and transparent I thought it would be good to share all documents filed in the courts by

An invite to Gary Tomlinson to prove he is telling the truth
I am publicly inviting Gary Tomlinson to prove he is telling the truth by inviting him to do an independent polygraph / lie detector test.
Meet Gary Tomlinsons latest puppet. Ronald Jackson
Gary Tomlinson has a new puppet recruit. Ronald Jackson. He decided to “take my previous videos apart” and address each point. The two videos from
Gary Tomlinson says he has never met Anthony Coburn. More Lies?
Gary Tomlinson stated he has never met Anthony Coburn before. Here is him being paid money by Anthony in 2020 for his race entry fees.
Legal Threats About This Site
25th March 2022 I got this letter on the 19th January 2022 from Gary Tomlinsons solicitor threatening legal action about this site Watch the
I offered Gary Tomlinson a proposal to end things. He declined. Again.
24th March 2022 – After Gary Tomlinsons settled his legal dispute with the British Masters One Loft Race earlier this week I thought I would try
Why is Gary Tomlinson so happy? “People tend to believe what they want to believe. But eventually we shall see.” – Gary Tomlinson. The man has more bravado and ego
Is Aaron Wood (Gary Tomlinsons solicitor) Really Allowed To Do This?
Gary Tomlinsons solicitor message three people on Facebook a few days ago. See what he said. Is he really allowed to do this? And even
The REAL TRUTH about Gary Tomlinson, Who Dares Wins and British Masters OLR.
22nd March 2022 – During Gary Tomlinsons ‘show’ last night he spoke complete lies about the FACTS and his relationship with the British Masters One Loft Race. He
Tomlinson wants to take me to the RPRA about this site.
18th March 2021 I got a letter from the East Midlands region of the RPRA informing me that G&A Tomlinson and Tomlinson & Ryan requested
Robert Tomlinson Says He Can Get A Car Set On Fire For £50.
What could be more worrying or disturbing than Gary Tomlinson being accused of offering someone £2000 to burn someones car out? Well that would be
Did Gary Tomlinson offer someone £2000 to fire a car?
Of course this is just one mans word against another. Interesting Tomlinson has not replied to any of the accusations himself. Other people proceeded to
Nobody works for free. Tomlinson forgets he never paid me a penny? 7th March 2022 – Tomlinson stated nobody works for free. Maybe he forgets he never paid me a penny for the hundreds of hours
More Tomlinson “Facts” But what’s the reality?
For some reason Tomlinson seems to like putting random WDW facts out. This fact released a few days ago still continues to maintain his WDW
Gary Tomlinson. The Puppet Master and spreader of vile rumours?
Then Lois Ryan decides to get involved. Lois is Rob Tomlinsons new fiance and seems to know a lot about RPRA rules and seems to
Is Who Dares Wins One Loft Race Really Making A LOSS Every Year?
The self proclaimed totally honest, transparent and man of integrity Gary Tomlinson legally has to file yearly accounts for his one loft race. According to
Blackpool Hotels Full Of Refugees? Tommo thinks they maybe. (Still using an out of date three year old banner which he never paid for in his videos.) 21st December 2021 Tommo made a
Oh The Irony… Tommo Deleting Posts Again..
10th December 2021 Tommo posted about how he thinks “Mick” the winner of this years WDW race is the best one loft race pigeon in
Cease & Desist
10th December 2021 – UPDATE Instead of replying to my cease and desist orders like he should he has now chosen to start harassing another
Don’t Pay Me £100’s a year? Don’t Enter My Race? You Have NO RIGHT to comment or have an opinion about me! 2nd November 2021 So if you watch this video you will hear that anyone who isn’t in Tommo’s race isnt allowed to voice any
Hackers, bullshit and more lies. 30th October 2021 The rumour is I hacked the WDW Auction site, and got 600,000 people to visit it. Total rubbish. The REAL reason
One last try? I should have known better.
26th October 2021 In retrospect it was a stupid idea. Either way I decided to try and finish outstanding issues between us. This didn’t mean
Will The REAL Pierre Leclerc (AKA Tommo) Please stand up!?!
So is seems like Tommo has now gone all continental. He once again bid on the winner of the race, knowing what the maximum bids
RPRA Appeal and Final Results. (A total whitewash and joke.)
The long awaited outcome of my RPRA hearing against Tomlinson was a total whitewash. I went along the Derbyshire meeting on 22nd of June and
The 2021 WDW race “lottery” odds just got bigger. Is Tommo for real? First time here? Be sure to start your journey of discovery about the real Gary Tomlinson, his family and his Who Dares Wins One
More Police Action? This is beyond a joke now.
7th April 2021. I received another phone call from Leicestershire police this morning. “Tommo” is continuing to try to use the police to intimidate and
How many pulled out exactly?
Someone sent me this from Facebook earlier: According to the self proclaimed “Mr transparent Tommo” his race was sold out in 7 weeks this year.
More wrong facts, lies and disguised intimidation from “Tommo” to others?
I saw this posted by Zandie and I’s friend Andy Pereira. Andy became our friend when he saw what Tomlinson had been doing last year
RPRA Hearing Update
2nd January 2021. Today ‘should’ have been the day of the hearing against G&A Tomlinson, however a few days ago I was informed that the
Who Dares Win International One Loft Race No Longer FCI Registered?
After applying for and obtaining FCI registration status why would the Who Dares Wins International One Loft Race run by Tomlinson NOT be registered with
Harassment?!? Tommo seems to think so. I’ve been reported to the police
26th November 2020. I had a phone call from Leicestershire police asking me to attend an interview under caution in connection with accusations of harassment
RPRA Hearing Update
December 2020 Update – I’m pleased to hear that the RPRA hearing is now scheduled for 2nd January 2021. If for any reason the hearing
How much do peanuts cost? WDW Auctions
“Tommo” Posted this a few days ago. Someone needs to ask him how much peanuts cost. Some facts: * Tommo paid me nothing to run
Gary Tomlinson. Who Dares Wins International One Loft Race. The Pioneer? (follower, sheep, or bully)
Gary Tomlinson / Who Dares Wins International One Loft Race. The Pioneer? (or just a follower, sheep, bully.) Yes, thats Pioneer, PIONEER Racing Pigeons
Gary Tomlinson / Who Dares Wins Race Auction 2020 The most transparent one loft race and online auction in the world!?
20th October 2020 – Tommo and his family pride themselves on “honesty, integrity and transparency” so with this in mind I’m sure they will be
Robert Tomlinson pleads guilty to assault by beating
Rob Tomlinson running out of his car before he assaults. Back in June I went with my 16 yr old son to pickup 7 pigeons
September Update
Gary Tomlinson continues to try to bully and intimidate me and my family. Despite making over £100,000 from this years 2020 Who Dares Wins race,
Independent Final Race Marking?
WDW OLR is FCI registered and as part of FCI rules all one loft race final basketing should be attended by an FCI representative (An
18th April 2020. My call with Gary Tomlinson ..
18th April 2020. My call with Gary Tomlinson .. Listen to the call below. This was a call I had at 8pm on Saturday 18th