Rob Tomlinson running out of his car before he assaults.
Back in June I went with my 16 yr old son to pickup 7 pigeons that he bid on and won in 2019 WDW online auction. Pigeons which I paid for and arranged with Tomlinson to pickup on a Saturday afternoon. It was arranged two days prior to pick them up at 2pm. (In the interests of full disclosure Tommo had emailed me at 9:30AM on the Saturday morning saying it was “inconvenient” for me to come, I don’t check my emails on a Saturday morning and didn’t know about it. He was at home when we arrived so honestly, I think he was just messing me around. After 25 minutes of arguments and Tommo telling my son he couldn’t get his pigeons Rob Tomlinson arrived and ran out of his car and started attacking my brother. (My brother stepped in front of me as Tommo Junior was running at me.) He was arrested and charged with assault. All of this because in his normally controlling bullying style Tommo decided he didn’t want to give my son the 7 pigeons. You can listen to the whole sorry pathetic episode below:
Listen to the whole thing below.

Rob Tomlinson in action.. Remember we only came to pick up 7 pigeons for my 16 year old son which Tommo had agreed to 2 days prior….

Annette Tomlinson trying to push my 16 year old sons phone out his hands. (He had the foresight to start videoing the whole thing as Rob Tomlinson arrived with Annette Tomlinson)

Annette Tomlinson still pushing my 16 year old son while her son is still having a go at my brother.
My brother suffered cuts and bruises as a result of Rob Tomlinson actions and never fought back at any time. The video of the whole incident was given to the police shortly before Rob Tomlinson was arrested.
9th October 2020 - Rob Tomlinson is given a criminal conviction for assault by beating.

On the 9th October Robert Tomlinson pleaded guilty to the charge of assault by beating and was given a 12 month conditional discharged and ordered to pay court costs.
He now has a criminal conviction and my son STILL doesn’t have his 7 pigeons.
I have emailed proving that I wanted a courier company to pick up the pigeons instead of going to Tomlinsons property as I knew the type of people I was now dealing with. Tomlinson refused fo me to have them picked up by a courier and insisted I came to pick them up myself.
These are the type of people the Tomlinson family really are.