I attended a high court injunction hearing remotely yesterday. In attendance was Mr Justice Saini, Chloe Strong the barrister for Mr Tomlinson and myself.
The hearing lasted approximately 45 minutes and the three documents that I was ordered to not publish as per the hearing that happened without my presence on Friday last week plus another new document provided by Tomlinson on Friday were the subject of yesterdays hearing.
Although I agreed to this injunction being kept in place until the scheduled hearing on the 28th April 2022 I made the judge aware of my thoughts regarding the reasons these documents were initially published by me and the judge accepted my point of view. I made the judge aware that I was in possession of one of these documents for two weeks prior to publishing it. It was only Mr Tomlinsons lying on a video about the matter in question that prompted me to publish this document to counter his lying comments.
The judge specifically added a note during the hearing stating the following:
“Mr Justice Saini has granted a temporary injunction until 28 April 2022. This injunction has been granted to maintain the status quo and does not represent any conclusion by Mr Justice Saini that there has been wrong doing either by the Claimants or the Defendants.”
The reason for this was that I made the judge aware of various social media posts made by supporters of Mr Tomlinson hinting or accusing me of lying and that I now had “egg on my face” that this injunction was in place. I wanted to relay this matter to the judge. Just because an injunction is in place preventing me from publishing certain in formation that may determent of Mr Tomlinsons does not mean in any way I have lied about those details.
The judge at the end of the hearing suggested to all parties that there should perhaps be mediation with both parties and that there was clearly a lot of “bad blood” between both parties. I indicated to the judge that I have previously tried to resolve the matter four times and with his remarks in mind indicated to Mr Tomlinsons barrister that I would still be open to resolving matters without the need for court action. I have indicated this to Mr Tomlinsons solicitors and made them aware of my none negotiable terms and I await their response. I have also made them very aware that if Mr Tomlinson doesn’t want to resolve the issues between us I have no issues with fighting and counter claiming against him on both court actions and continuing with this website.
As long as Mr Tomlinson does not publish any more lies, untruths or provoking content between now and the hearing of the 28th April 2022 I have no intentions of publishing any further posts on this site until this date.
However if Mr Tomlinson or his supporters decides he or they want to continue to ‘poke the bear’ and carry on with propaganda against me and this site I will not hesitate to publish more information of which I have a great deal ready to be published that is not covered by the injunction hearing yesterday.
Mark Lyford.