The tide is turning and the hole is getting deeper for Gary Tomlinson, his family and his race.
Maurice O’donnell is a thoroughly decent man and legend within one loft racing around the world, After meeting Maurice in the Algarve in 2019 I feel lucky to call him a good friend. He saw how Tomlinson acted against my family and I and didn’t like it. Well, now Maurice is speaking out and exposing Gary Tomlinson for what he really is. Maurice has had death threats from Tomlinson supporters… Read that again… DEATH THREATS. This is the level of people we are talking about.
Maurice posted this on Facebook tonight in this post

What I have been saying for over two years people are now realising is true. The man is a bully, narcissist, liar and bullshitter. The irony is, he’s been calling me a con man for two years.
And now to make me laugh even more he now says his wife owns all the stud pigeons they are selling and his wife even enters their pigeons into the one loft races they enter!
Why would this be? Well, Gary is obviously very worried that he is going to lose the counterclaim I have against him and position himself to say he owns nothing. High court judges are not stupid, I’m not stupid. The strategy won’t work.
I still haven’t had a response to my counterclaim from his solicitor. It’s been past the 14 days deadline now. What could the delay be? I am filing more new documents in the coming days so hopefully, that will prompt them to respond and not waste my or the court’s time anymore.
Karma’s a bitch.